B&NES seeks view on “very difficult choices” around budget proposals for 2024-25

Bath & North East Somerset Council is grappling with significant financial challenges, prompting a call for public input on proposed measures to address a £24.53m budget gap. Councillor Mark Elliott, Cabinet Member for Resources, highlights the strain caused by insufficient government funding, inflation, and rising service demands. The proposed budget for the upcoming year involves a 4.99% Council Tax increase, additional income generation of £6.51m, and £10.31m in savings.

The council emphasizes the need to prioritize statutory services due to a decade of government funding cuts. Savings include a review of community support contracts, potential reductions in children’s early help and prevention budgets, and adjustments to recycling centre hours. While the council explores income-generating avenues, such as parking fee increases and emission-based charges, the public is invited to provide feedback on the proposals until January 15, 2024, with the final budget decision scheduled for February 20, 2024.

To have you say, visit the B&NES website: Budget consultation 2024 to 2025 | Bath and North East Somerset Council (bathnes.gov.uk)