Community Trust

Building on its success

When it launched in June 2013, the Community Trust began on its journey to build a vibrant community in Midsomer Norton.  It continues to focus on its three main roles; managing community buildings and spaces on a day to day basis, organising community events and activities and encouraging community groups in the town.

A steering group formed of volunteers and some Town Councillors has been building on the initial success and is now helping it to move the Trust forward to tackled the challenges of managing community buildings and developing the range of of events that it offer people in the town and surrounding areas.

With a combination of a membership scheme and use of Facebook, Twitter and traditional posters and mailers, the Trust ensures that every one of all ages is aware of what’s going on and so can join in Midsomer Norton’s vibrant community life.

It’s an exciting time for Midsomer Norton given the number of projects initiated by the Town Council coming together under the banner of this new organisation.

Buildings and Spaces – Rather than relying on uncertain grants from B&NES to fund community buildings, the Town Council believes that by working in partnership with the community they can manage these important assets more effectively in the long term. In the coming months the Town Council is hoping to secure the future of the Town Hall as a community hub and centre of the arts by negotiating a long lease with B&NES. At the same time talks will include the future of the Orchard Hall and the Hollies Garden.

Activities and Events – community activities and events such as the on-going arts programme and the Summer Community Festival require a huge amount of effort to pull together. With modern rules and regulations to ensure public safety, an organisation like the Community Trust will be able to provide leadership and management skills and help smaller organisations to take part.

Community Groups – Midsomer Norton has over 100 community groups which are constantly in need of funding to develop and bring forward new initiatives. The Trust will be looking at ways to identify a wide range of funding sources and help groups put together funding bids.

Visit their website here